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AIDIMME / Activities / Markets and strategy / APA Market Observatory Automatic Doors Sector

APA Market Observatory of the Automatic Doors Sector

The Market Observatory is an instrument for monitoring the competitive environment of the automatic door sector in Spain. It provides information on the evolution of the business of companies in the sector.

The Market Observatory of the Automatic Door Sector is owned by APA, the Spanish Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers. The technical direction and development are carried out by AIDIMME, Technological Institute.


  • Generate proprietary and proven information in the automatic door sector in Spain.
  • Give entity and visualize the activity of the automatic door sector as an industrial and economic sector.
  • Promote the use of market and business information among companies in the automatic door sector.
  • Support the decision-making of companies, which can evaluate with objective data their own activity with respect to the rest of the sector, detect trends and anticipate changes in the economic activity of the sector.

Indicators collected by the Observatory


The Market Observatory monitors the growth of the sales of the automatic door sector in the short term (semiannually) and the expectations of evolution in the following six months. It also measures the business climate of the sector, through an indicator of growth expectation of national and international sales.

The Observatory also collects annual indicators on various strategic areas of the companies in the sector: internationalization, purchasing and supply, productive investment, R&D and productivity.

How to participate?


If you are already a member of the Association of Automatic Doors you can participate by accessing the membership card.
If you are not a member, you can request your registration this article


Who can take part?

How do companies participate?

Does it have cost for companies?

How are the data collected?


Are the data treated confidentially?

Is it known which companies participate?

Whose information is generated?

Are there other sectoral sources of information?

Is the information generated reliable?

How to adhere?