"WOODFOREST SATELLITE"WOOD FOREST SATELLITE - STUDY OF THE STATE OF FOREST MASSES THROUGH SATELLITE TOOLS FOR TIMBER PURPOSES DESCRIPTIONCurrently, the majority of forest masses in the Valencian Community are not being exploited for various reasons. Among them is the lack of knowledge of the resource that is owned, where exactly it is located or the quality that this resource can offer. In relation to these reasons, there is also the low profitability of the exploitation and factors such as the poor quality of the product, the inventory costs or the difficulty of extraction (due to the orography of the land) reduce the benefit. In this project, it is hoped to solve those inconveniences for which the forest masses of the Valencian Community are not currently being used. OBJECTIVESThe general objective of the project is to study and evaluate representative forest masses of the Valencian Community using remote sensing tools in order to carry out a logging of these masses with substantial improvements compared to current techniques. RESULTS OBTAINEDYear 2023: Through the development of this project, a traditional inventory has been carried out (measuring heights and diameters manually) and it has been compared with the results obtained through the use of remote sensing tools. After the statistical study, it is revealed that by combining remote sensing variables together with the previous tool (aerial LiDAR), in a statistical model, the volume of wood in a mountain (with the study characteristics) can be determined with sufficient reliability. This fact offers great advantages since these tools are free and much faster than a traditional inventory. In the study, several study plots have been selected in the three provinces of the Valencian Community, looking for those most developed forests of Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) with a high probability of locating a greater volume of wood (such as reforestation). Thanks to the traditional inventory, it has been possible to know the current situation of these mountains. PUBLISHED NEWSgeneral broadcasthttps://actualidad.aidimme.es/2024/04/03/fimmamaderalia- (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2024/01/10/https-actualida (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/10/18/fin-proyectos-2 (...)https://madera-sostenible.com/forestal/woodforest-satell (...)https://madera-sostenible.com/forestal/imagenes-de-satel (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/04/04/proyectos/ (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/01/24/aidimme-impulsa (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/01/03/aidimme-resulta (...)http://www.asemad.com/Revistas/Asemad_noviembre_2022/#pa (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/11/02/aidimme-estudia (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/10/03/aidimme-feria-h (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/09/12/woodforest-inic (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/07/13/proyectos-inici (...)Technical dissemination, transferhttps://actualidad.aidimme.es/2024/06/17/wood-forest-sat (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2024/05/17/wood-forest-sat (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/10/17/resultados-wood (...)https://madera-sostenible.com/forestal/woodforest-satell (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/07/12/los-ingenieros- (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/05/05/woodforest_avan (...)https://revistas.eleconomista.es/amp/agro/2022/octubre/l (...)Dissemination companieshttps://www.offset-trail.com/post/colaboramos-en-el-proy (...)GRANT173.125 € Objective Sectors by CNAECNAE: 0210 - Silviculture and other forestry activities - No. of target companies: 113 (6 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 0220 - Wood exploitation - Number of target companies: 26 (5 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 1610 - Wood sawing and planing - Number of target companies: 320 (98 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 1621 - Manufacture of veneers and wood boards - No. of target companies: 491 (210 in the Valencian Community) CNAE: 1623 - Manufacture of other made structures - Number of target companies: 807 (276 in the Valencian Community) CNAE: 1624 - Manufacture of containers and packaging of ma - Number of target companies: 385 (116 of the Valencian Community) CNAE: 4673 - Wholesale of wood, material - No. of target companies: 500 (247 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 7112 - Technical engineering services and others - Number of target companies: 443 (210 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 7219 - Another experimental research and development - Number of target companies: 137 (52 from the Valencian Community) TRACTOR COMPANIESThanks to its support and signature of the "declaration of participation" the project has been funded. CONTRACHAPADOS LUBADI, SL MADERAS BENIGANIM, SAU OFFSET TRAIL, S.COOP.V. ESTEBAN FOREST SERVICES, SL SIDO MADERA, SL COMPANIES DIFFUSION R&D PROJECTSThey want to know first-hand the evolution of the project, and its progress to the final result. COMPANIES TRANSFER KNOWLEDGEThey will implement technologies, develop strategies or look for new models based on the results. |