"IPRODUCE"IPRODUCE - A SOCIAL MANUFACTURING FRAMEWORK FOR STREAMLINED MULTI-STAKEHOLDER OPEN INNOVATION MISSIONS IN CONSUMER GOODS SECTORS DESCRIPTIONDemocratized innovation holds undeniable promise for European producers, but the integration with corporate innovation practices is in its infancy. While the interest is real, it is still neither easy or efficient for producers - especially SMEs to benefit from collaborative production. The iPRODUCE project takes well proven concepts and approaches (from DIY manufacturing, FabLabs, Makerspace), and aims to upscale them through innovative technology solutions and to install them in well-connected multi-stakeholder ecosystems under an umbrella concept of collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities ( cMDF) ”. OBJECTIVES1.- To define a social manufacturing framework (SMF) for the collaborative design, engineering and manufacturing of consumer goods by engaging manufacturers, makers and consumers (MMCs) in relevant open innovation (OI) challenges / missions. EXPLANATORY VIDEORESULTS OBTAINEDYear 2023: The project ended in July 2023 with great success, presenting the results to the European Commission, lasting three and a half years.
PUBLISHED NEWSgeneral broadcasthttps://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/04/04/proyectos/ (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/01/03/aidimme-resulta (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/10/03/aidimme-feria-h (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/09/26/iproduce-feria- (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/02/23/iproduce-tests- (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/02/23/iproduce-testea (...)https://twitter.com/Redit_es/status/1320660196935536640? (...)https://iproduce-project.eu/resources-results/digital-pl (...)http://actualidad.aidimme.es/2020/07/01/economia-colabor (...)http://actualidad.aidimme.es/2020/01/20/aidimme-lidera-p (...)Technical dissemination, transferhttps://actualidad.aidimme.es/2023/04/18/nuevas-guias-am (...)https://actualidad.aidimme.es/2022/05/16/iproduce-europe (...)http://actualidad.aidimme.es/2020/11/18/usuarios-fabrica (...)RELATED URL´SPROJECT WEBPARTNERSAIDIMME - METAL-MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, FURNITURE, WOOD, PACKAGING AND RELATED - COORDINATOR, LAGRAMA, SL, FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV, INFORMATION CATALYST FOR ENTERPRISE LTD, F6S NETWORK LIMITED, ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTYXIS, ZENTRUM FUR INNOVATION UND SG TECHNIK IN NORDRHEIN WESTFALEN GMBH, MAKERABSPACE BONN EV, FLAB MATERALIA BONN EV, , EXCELCAR, ENERGY@WORK SOCIETA COOPERATIVA ARL, TRENTINO SVILUPPO SPA, COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL, BETAFACTORY IVS, AIDPLEX GP, EUROPEAN DYNAMICS LUXEMBOURG SA, WHITE RESEARCH SPRL, SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, OCEANO NARANJA SL, GRANTThis project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 870037. € 5.983.662,49 Objective Sectors by CNAECNAE: 0990 - Support activities for other industries - No. of target companies: 1 (1 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 8532 - Technical and vocational secondary education - No. of target companies: 35 (20 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 3102 - Manufacture of kitchen furniture - Number of target companies: 666 (156 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 3101 - Manufacture of office furniture and e - Number of target companies: 575 (115 in the Valencian Community) CNAE: 9524 - Repair of furniture and menial articles - No. of target companies: 5 (3 from the Valencian Community) CNAE: 3109 - Manufacture of other furniture - No. of target companies: 5588 (1333 in the Valencian Community) Objective Sectors by ActivitySUBCONTRATISTAS - Number of target companies: 5 (1 of the Valencian Community) WOOD CARPENTRY - Number of target companies: 247 (146 of the Valencian Community) TRAINING CENTERS - Number of target companies: 28 (15 of the Valencian Community) DESIGNERS / DECORATORS - Number of target companies: 157 (78 of the Valencian Community) TRACTOR COMPANIESThanks to its support and signature of the "declaration of participation" the project has been funded. COMPANIES DIFFUSION R&D PROJECTSThey want to know first-hand the evolution of the project, and its progress to the final result. COMPANIES TRANSFER KNOWLEDGEThey will implement technologies, develop strategies or look for new models based on the results. |