AIDIMME / Training / Training offer / Courses
R&D&I subsidies for companies in the Valencian Community 2025 |
Introduction |
AIDIMME actively collaborates with companies in carrying out R&D&i projects in the fields of the circular economy, additive manufacturing, product development and optimization, industry 4.0, advanced materials and biomaterials, the modification and functionalization of surfaces and coatings, the development of packaging systems, logistics and transportation, among other areas.
Aware and knowledgeable of the activity and innovative potential of the business fabric of the Valencian Community, we organize this day in order to publicize the technical and economic tools that companies have to support and help in the implementation of these initiatives. . |
Addressed to |
-Managers and technicians from companies interested in learning how to finance and subsidize their research, development and/or innovation projects. -People interested in these topics. |
Objectives |
To inform companies, with the help of specialized technicians from the Technological Institute and IVACE, of the capabilities and experiences of AIDIMME in collaborating with companies in the development of R&D&i projects and the tools that the public administration puts to use. willingness of the business community to help, through subsidies and financing, the development and implementation of these initiatives. |
Content |
9:00 a.m. Welcome.
9:05 a.m. Skills and experience in the area of product evaluation services.
Ruben Niñerola. Area Manager.
9:15 a.m. Capabilities and experiences in the area of materials development.
José Luis Milla. Head of the AIDIMME materials laboratory.
9:25 a.m. Capacities and experiences in the area of technology and processes.
Luis Portolés. Responsible for the Technologies and Processes Area of AIDIMME.
9:35 a.m. IVACE+i 2025 instruments to support business R&D&i.
Javier Mínguez, Head of the Business and Associations Department at IVACE+i.
9:55 a.m. 2025 Grants from the Valencian Innovation Agency.
Elena Uviedo Ramos. Head of the AVI Innovation Unit.
10:15 a.m. Other instruments: CDTI (Maria José Tomás. Technician of the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation) and KIT CONSULTING.
10:30 a.m. Coffee break.
Type |
Event |
Mode of delivery |
Digital games |
Methodology |
Disclosure of relevant information regarding subsidies. |
Dates |
Calendar |
Friday |
Schedule |
From 09:00am to 10:30am |
Duration |
1,30 hours |
Place |
AIDIMME C / Benjamin Franklin 13 (Technology Park) 46980 Paterna (Valencia) |
Registration |
Until February 13, 2025. |
AIDIMME - Training Department
961366070 Phone | Fax: 961366185 e-mail: | |
Since the NUMBER OF PLACES is LIMITEDIf you are interested in participating in these courses, you must notify us, as soon as possible, by sending the duly completed pre-registration form (one for each attendee), before the indicated date, in order to close participation in it. Admission will be made in order of pre-registration and the company will be notified of its acceptance. |