Benefits |
- Gain autonomy to analyze the market.
- Contextualize operational decisions with market and competition data.
- Facilitate reporting of information to higher levels.
- Organize and unify the existing market information in the company.
- Generate an own system to capture weak signals from the competitive environment.
Introduction |
Information or intelligence? Fruit or vegetable? Would you put tomato in a fruit salad?
Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence has advanced in recent years thanks to digital tools that transform information into knowledge to make appropriate decisions. The information age has given way to the age of intelligence. It is not enough to have data, it is necessary to know what to do with them. For the professional it is increasingly necessary to know the available tools for monitoring the environment and the techniques for analyzing the information to apply them in their daily decisions. |
Addressed to |
Edition for entities and companies in Latin America (adapted to the time difference): - Executives, managers and middle managers (commercial, marketing, etc ...) of companies in the Habitat industrial sectors: suppliers of materials - paints and varnishes, boards, fittings, etc. - product manufacturers - furniture, lighting, equipment, etc. -, and distributors. - People interested in these topics. * Depending on availability of places, the program may admit participants from other industries. |
Objectives |
1) Organize a Competitive Intelligence system in the company.
2) Apply information analysis techniques to turn it into useful knowledge for decision making in the company.
3) Use Business Intelligence tools to visualize interactive data.
Content |
1) Knowing the framework on Competitive Intelligence (basic concepts, UNE 166006 standard).
2) Organizing a market surveillance system (environment layers, surveillance factors, software and templates).
3) Analyzing with specific techniques the information of the competitive environment (market matrices, strategic groups of competitors, etc.).
4) Informing with digital data visualization tools to make decisions. |
Type |
Permanent |
Mode of delivery |
Online direct |
Methodology |
1. Knowledge transfer in Business Intelligence in 5 group sessions.
2. Internships in the workplace from the zero minute.
3. Training with support to the trainee and his manager.
4. Weekly measurement of evolution, feedback, empowerment and redirection.
5. Participation in competition for the best application in Business Intelligence.
6. Attendance at Habitat Congress 2021. |
Dates |
Permanent |
Available from |
8/1/2024 |
Duration |
20 hours |
Place |
Online direct |
Registration |
Open all year round |
Certification |
Certificate of attendance issued by AIDIMME. Minimum attendance of 75% of the teaching hours. |
Cost |
€400 Does not include taxes or withholdings.
Professors |
Bachelor in Economics, Diploma in Market Research and PhD with Research Proficiency (DEA) in Business Management / Marketing. Senior analyst, Head of the Market Analysis and Strategy Section, at AIDIMME since 2002. Professional experience of 2 years in financial services and 19 years in projects and services of Competitive Intelligence and market innovation. Vicente is a teacher involved with his students that provides answers to their particular needs, without losing sight of the fact that digital tools must always be at the service of the decision to be made. |
Degree in Market Research and Techniques, Diploma in Business Studies and Master in Marketing and Market Research. Senior analyst, in AIDIMME since 2006. Professional experience of 1 year in banking and 14 years in projects and services of Competitive Intelligence and market innovation. Cristina is a dynamic teacher who enjoys guiding students and work groups towards the application of market information in the company. |
Degree in Economics and Business Administration, Research Proficiency (DEA) in Applied Economics. Senior analyst, in AIDIMME since 2017. Professional experience of 6 years as a researcher in urban, housing and territorial economy, 2 years as a consultant and teacher of management ERP and 11 years as an analyst in projects and services of Competitive Intelligence and innovation of market. As a teacher, Rafa is an experienced and entertaining teacher who teaches real examples of data analysis and visualization.
AIDIMME - Training Department
961366070 Phone | Fax: 961366185 e-mail: | |