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AIDIMME / Contact / General purchasing conditions for suppliers

AIDIMME billing conditions and payment methods

The Supplier will issue the invoice or invoices at AIDIMME's request and according to the agreed conditions, on dates and amounts. AIDIMME's general payment method is by bank transfer 60 days from the invoice date. Any modification must be negotiated, requesting it by e-mail to:

Invoice delivery address

Invoices must be sent via email to:

Information that must appear on the delivery note and invoices

  • AIDIMME Purchase Order Code No.
  • Purchase Order Description.

Packaging and supply

Materials and equipment must be supplied properly packaged, to the delivery address indicated in the Purchase Order. Please note that AIDIMME has 2 locations.

The standard delivery time, which must be agreed with the AIDIMME technician who places the order, will be as follows:

  • Monday to Thursday: from 08:00h. to 16:30h.
  • Friday and intensive day: from 08:00h. to 13:30h.

For any exceptional delivery outside of these hours, please contact the person responsible for the Purchase Order or the Laboratory Samples request.

Acceptance of goods. Quality and non-conforming products

All goods and products delivered must conform to the specifications set out in the Purchase Order.

The signing of the delivery note or any other delivery document, as well as the payment of the invoices issued, cannot be understood as acceptance of the quality of the products supplied. Therefore, after delivery, AIDIMME reserves the rights that correspond to it for any lack, loss, damage or disagreement that may be detected.

Additional documentation

When required, the Supplier shall issue a final report on the work performed. This report must contain, as a minimum, the following information:

  • Supplier data.
  • AIDIMME data.
  • Title of the work performed.
  • Reference to the AIDIMME project (Acronym and full title).
  • Supplier logo on all report pages.
  • Description of work performed.
  • A section that refers to the total cost of the service, the number of invoices issued and the reference to the AIDIMME Purchase Order (PO).

The report must be dated and signed (handwritten or electronic signature). If the signature is handwritten (a pasted image is not acceptable), it must be accompanied by a stamp.


The supplier is not authorized to subcontract the order placed by AIDIMME to third parties, unless expressly consented to in writing by AIDIMME.

Prevention of occupational hazards

If the supplier must carry out any type of work at AIDIMME facilities related to the delivery of the goods/equipment, they must duly inform of the expected dates of execution of these activities, so that the person responsible for PRL (Prevention of Occupational Risks) at AIDIMME can coordinate with the person responsible for the supplier company to comply with the legal obligations arising from this.

Compliance with social, tax and labor obligations

The Supplier declares that it faithfully complies with all obligations imposed by tax, labor and Social Security legislation on its employees, in relation to all its workers, and especially, with those assigned to the provision of services to the Buyer, guaranteeing the total indemnity of AIDIMME with respect to the responsibilities and sanctions arising from non-compliance with said obligations, which will be fully assumed by the Supplier.

Likewise, the provider is obliged to present to AIDIMME, prior to the start of the provision of any service, the appropriate certificates issued by the corresponding public bodies that prove that the aforementioned obligations are up to date, in compliance with the entry into force on July 1, 2024 of the General Tax Law (Law 58/2003 article 43.1f).

For this reason, AIDIMME will be provided with certificates proving that tax and social security obligations are up to date. If possible, the certificate issued to subcontractors.

This obligation will be deemed fulfilled upon presentation of the certificates and their semi-annual or annual renewal depending on their expiration.

It is expressly agreed that failure to comply with this obligation will entitle the Buyer to unilaterally and immediately terminate the contracts to which these General Conditions apply.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation, we take this opportunity to greet you.